Quick facts about potatoes
potatoes are the most popular vegetable, even ahead of other vegetables known as lettuce and onions.
You can cook potatoes in a variety of ways, and they fall into one of three foods that are eaten by almost everyone If prepared in a healthy way,
potatoes can be an excellent source of energy and also pack a nutritious fist.
Like oranges, potatoes have a very high vitamin C content.
The fact is, medium potatoes contain 45% of the recommended vitamin C for good health.
Potatoes also have high fiber and carbohydrate content and contain more potassium than bananas.
Potato skin provides helpful doses of fiber, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and certain vitamin B.
If possible, you should avoid freezing or refrigerating potatoes, cooked.
When storing potatoes, store them in a cool, dark place. You can keep it in the basement if you have one, as the basement is a great place to store potatoes.
From mashed potatoes to baked potatoes, potatoes are something we all know and love.
They serve a wide variety of delicacies, and they provide our bodies with many health benefits.
Whether you grow it or buy it, potatoes are one vegetable that makes everything a little better.